Alieni? Busta numero uno, numero due o numerro tre?
Esistono al mondo centinaia di individui che, come il colonnello Philip J. Corso, ufficiali, sottufficiali, soldati di esercito, marina, aeronautica, intelligence, NASA, dipendenti di industrie belliche, astronauti, ci dicono che gli alieni esistono e sono tra noi. Esistono documenti che comprovano le loro affermazioni. L'ex vice premier ed ex ministro della Difesa canadese Paul Hellyer ha dichiarato che «gli Ufo sono reali al pari degli aerei che volano sopra le nostre teste» e ha ammesso di essere «davvero preoccupato per le conseguenze di una guerra intergalattica che potrebbe scoppiare in qualsiasi momento»[La Stampa]. Guerra che a giudicare da questo filmato ripreso dallo Shuttle sembra già iniziata:
Dobbiamo chiederci se è giusto deriderli o se forse qualcosa di vero dietro ai loro racconti c'è. E' giusto dire che oltre un miliardo di cristiani sono sani perché credono in 4 vangeli scritti da 4 persone oltre 2000 anni fa, e contemporaneamente schernire altri perché si fidano, di un'ormai enorme mole di indizi, di oltre 400 [come nel solo caso del Disclosure Project] persone a volte con visti di sicurezza altissimi che ci raccontano ora, che rispondono alle nostre domandi oggi stesso? Credo sia perlomeno ingiusto.
Queste sono le parole di mons. Corrado Balducci, teologo, ai microfoni di TG2 dossier per lo speciale Spaghetti UFO: "O chiesa o non chiesa oramai non si può più negare che esistono degli UFO. [...] Salmo 23, primo versetto, e questa è esplicita: del Signore è la Terra e quanto contiene, l'Universo e i suoi abitanti. Questa è l'unica frase nella Bibbia e nell'antico testamento dove si parla espressamente di altri abitanti, ed anzi le dirò che la parola Universo, nell'antico e nuovo testamento, c'è 66 volte"[1 - 2].
Il grosso problema che si profila però è "amici o nemici"?
Busta numero uno, amici.
Busta numero due, nemici.
Busta numero tre, nessuno dei due.
Since the end of the Second World War, the US military industrial complex has secretly sponsored at great public cost the R&D of new technologies for energy generation, air and outer space flight, futuristic weaponry and other mostly military ends, which have not been made available for the common good. Yet today’s environmental and economic emergencies dictate that the accumulated know-how be used for the benefit of mankind in its peaceful applications.
Steven M Greer
[ [There] exists a shadowy Government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.
— Senator Daniel K Inouye
In the councils of Government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the Military Industrial Complex.. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals so that security and liberty may prosper together
— President Eisenhower – January 1961
The above address by two-term Republican US Pre sident and five- star Army General Dwight Eisenhower was issued as a prescient warning when he left office in 1961. Many have wondered why such a conservative, pro-military president would issue such a warning. We now know why.
The Disclosure Project, an NGO based in the United States, has identified several hundred military, intelligence and corporate witnesses to illegal and extra-constitutional projects that have suppressed information and prevented public access to technologies which could provide a definitive replacement for oil, coal, nuclear power and other conventional energy sources. These technologies have been both acquired and developed by military and industrial interests in the US, UK and other countries that have repeatedly lied to or withheld this information from legally constituted authorities and the public. This information has the potential to completely transform the current state of the world in the areas of technology, energy production, propulsion, the environment and geopolitical issues related to oil and energy supplies. In short, a sustainable, non-polluting and affluent civilisation could be created by the wise application of these technologies, and many of the most pressing crises facing the world community could have been avoided if it had not been for the deliberate suppression of such technological knowledge. While “national security concerns” have been invoked as reasons for such secrecy, in reality the policy is driven by the resolve to maintain the current “status quo” based on the pre-eminence of oil and fossil fuels and related special interests.
By the time President Eisenhower left, a transformation had occurred in the structure of Western military, intelligence and corporate programmes. The urgent pressures of the nuclear arms race and the Cold War with the Soviets had created an atmosphere of extreme secrecy, dwarfing the secret infrastructure surrounding the Manhattan Project that built the atomic bomb during the Second World War. The fate of the free world was at stake, and no expense was spared to create the means to advance technologies within the dark womb of secrecy. A culture evolved that required such secrecy for national survival and the “need-to-know-only” requirements of such programmes were further reinforced by the well-known espionage scandals of that era, including that of the Rosenbergs.
However, such a culture of generally regarded justifiable secrecy also created opportunities for abuse within the military, intelligence, corporate and laboratory complex. Classified programmes, appropriately structured to require a genuine need-to-know situation in order for one to have access to them, became increasingly “compartmented”, restricted and shadowy. Mechanisms for funding became Byzantine and obscure; programme structures were hidden with cover stories, “store front” operations and became virtually impenetrable; and the people within such programmes found themselves at once increasingly isolated and strangely empowered.
It was in this womb, awash with billions of dollars of so-called “black budget” funding, that extreme (and many would maintain essential) secrecy gave birth to the monster of rogue, illegal and powerful “unacknowledged special access projects” (USAPs) dealing with a number of unusual phenomena and technologies. In the world of USAPs, compart-mentalisation is so great, the need to know so restricted and the information so important, that meaningful supervision by the constitutionally required authorities in the US, UK and other countries became simply impossible. Here, “unacknowledged” means that nobody is ever told about the project unless he absolutely needs to know and is directly required to be involved in operations. Even if a senior official inquires, the answer is “no such project exists.”
Moreover, the milieu of the “revolving door” world of military, intelligence and corporate programmes created corporate and financial influences that ran counter to genuine “national security” interests or any legitimate public interest. Especially in the United States, the multi-billion dollar expenditures on military technologies, research and development programmes and outsourced services and operations allowed for a comingling of public finances and private interests. This, combined with the extreme compartmentalisation of programmes, allowed for serious abuses of the public trust to take place.
Ultimately, such programmes — networked carefully with other programmes and corporate research — became so restrictive that legal authorities were routinely and as a matter of course left out of the loop. Ultimately, those left out of the loop would become members of Congress and even the US president.
Indeed, when President Eisenhower left office, operations had become so complex and out of control, that he was convinced he was being shut out of vital developments and operations. In the years since, matters have decayed exponentially to the point that we estimate today some $100 billion per year go into unacknowledged programmes escaping the substantial knowledge of the US president and US Congress.
The “crown jewels” of such USAPs are those connected to very advanced energy and propulsion systems. In the 1940s and 1950s, a concerted effort was made to investigate a number of phenomena related to emerging sciences, including those associated with electromagnetism and electro-gravitic/magneto-gravitic technologies for their promising potential in creating energy and propulsion systems valuable to urgent defence projects.
During that era, particular interest was paid to what the public call UFOs (unidentified flying objects). It is important to note that the term UFO was only coined after covert programmes discovered that such objects were neither unidentified nor “flew” in any conventional sense of the word. Indeed, the majority of the information and culture associated with UFOs is disinformation designed to deflect serious scientific, media or mainstream governmental inquiry. People have been systematically deceived for half a century.
UFOs well-documented aerial phenomena, some of which are extra-terrestrial vehicles whereas others are advanced covert government aircraft using energy and propulsion technologies that could transform life on earth. It should be noted that the man-made devices are the result of illegally classified research and development (and acquisition) of technologies as well as the study of retrieved extraterrestrial vehicles.
Once technological breakthroughs were made, the secrecy associated with these projects became extraordinary. Indeed, the clandestinity surrounding these advanced energy and propulsion devices far exceeded the secrecy that shrouded the development of the hydrogen bomb.
From a November 21, 1950 (authenticated) top secret Canadian document:
I [the author] made discreet enquiries through the Canadian Embassy staff in Washington who were able to obtain for me the following information:
a. The matter is the most highly classified subject in the United States Government, rating higher even than the H-bomb.
b. Flying saucers exist.
c. Their modus operan di is unknown but concentrated effort is being made by a small group headed by Dr Vannevar Bush.
d. The entire matter is considered by the United States authorities to be of tremendous significance.
Putting aside the aura of silliness that surrounds the subject in pop culture, the media and the tabloids, over 2000 pages of documents released to the Disclosure Project by the US, UK, Spanish and other governments clearly establish the importance of the matter at the time. Space here does not allow inclusion of even a sampling of these documents but they may be viewed, in part, on our website and reviewed in the book Disclosure by this author.
Today, this subject usually elicits laughter, embarrassment and dismissal. This is certainly understandable since at least 99 per cent of everything said, written, filmed or otherwise placed in the public domain on the subject is outright deception. But in the corridors of power — and especially in the corridors of covert programmes — the matter is of utmost importance. This is because at the core of this enigma lies a body of science that eliminates in one generation the need for oil, fossil fuels and the related pollution and establishes a truly sustainable world civilisation exempt from poverty as we know it. The relentless ridicule associated with the UFO subject matter is deliberate and staged: It hides a profound body of knowledge dwarfing the changes that have transpired from the industrial revolution until today by several orders of magnitude. In a letter to Congress, first CIA Director Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter had this to say:
It is time for the truth to be brought out … Behind the scenes, high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about the UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense … I urge immediate Congressional action to reduce the dangers from secrecy about unidentified flying objects...
We have identified nearly 500 military, corporate, intelligence and laboratory witnesses to events and programmes connected to these matters. The body of evidence is overwhelming and definitive. In May 2001, we held a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, DC at which more than 20 such witnesses provided testimony and documents regarding their direct, first-hand involvement in the subject. It was the most-watched webcast in history, and ultimately over a million people viewed the event over the Internet. The event was reported by CNN, CNN International, major networks like the BBC, the Voice of America, Pravda, the Chinese News Agency, Telemundo, The Washington Times and other media around the world. Tens of thousands of people wrote to the president and members of Congress asking for an investigation of the subject and a general declassification of information.
And then September 11 happened. In view of the US Patriot Act and other developments, including the Iraq war, the US Congress has elected not to pursue the matter. But the international community, which is greatly harmed by the continued imposition of this secrecy, is the primary victim and should be the prime mover in getting these matters investigated.
Sufficient evidence, documents, physical proof and testimonies exist to definitively make the case for the reality of the issue as well as its illegal handling. Beginning in 1992, we met with senior government officials in the US, UK, the United Nations and other agencies and discovered a remarkable degree of interest in resolving this problem and obtaining a general disclosure of the facts. The officials ranged from members of the US Senate Intelligence Committee to the first acting CIA director under President Clinton, including very senior admirals and generals at the Pentagon and in the British General Staff. There is widespread agreement that the subject has enormous implications for the future of humanity and that the secrecy has become inexcusable.
What has been lacking is the will to take meaningful action on the issue. While interest and moral support for disclosure are high, fear is even greater. Consider what some of these top secret “whistle-blower” witnesses have said about this secrecy and the fear it engenders:
Brigadier General Stephen Lovekin: Army National Guard Reserves. As a young army officer he worked with President Eisenhower in the last years of his presidency.
But what happened was that Eisenhower got sold out. Without him knowing it, he lost control of what was going on with the entire UFO situation. In his last address to the nation, I think he was telling us that the military industrial complex would stick (sic) you in the back if you were not totally vigilant. And, I think that he felt like he had not been vigilant. I think he felt like he trusted too many people. And Eisenhower was a trusting man. And I think that he realised that all of a sudden this matter is going into the control of corporations that could very well act to the detriment of this country.
This frustration, from what I can remember, went on for months. He realised that he was losing control of the UFO subject. As far as I can remember, that was the expression that was used, “It is not going to be in the best hands.” That was a real concern. And so it has turned out to be ...
“It had been discussed with me on numerous occasions what could happen to me militarily if I discussed this. I would say that the government has done as good a job enforcing secrecy through the installation of abject fear as they have done with anything within the memory of modern man.”
One older officer discussed with me what possibly could happen if there was a revelation. He was talking about being erased and I said, “Man, what do you mean erased?” And, he said, “Yes, you will be erased — disappear.” And I said, “How do you know all this?” And he said, “I know.” Those threats have been made and carried out. Those threats started way back in 1947. The Army [and the] Air Force was given absolute control over how to handle this. This being the biggest security situation that this country has ever dealt with and there have been some erasures …
I don’t care what kind of a person you are. I don’t care how strong or courageous you are. It would be a very fearful situation because from what Matt [this older officer] said, “They will go after not only you. They will go after your family.” Those were his words. And, so I can only say that the reason that they have managed to keep it under wraps for so long is through fear. They are very selective about how they pull someone out to make an example of. And I know that that has been done.
Lance Corporal Jonathan Weygandt : US Marine Corps, present at a retrieval of a UFO in South America
“You weren’t supposed to be there.” “You are not supposed to see this.” “You are going to be dangerous if we let you go.” I thought that they were going to kill me, really …
Lethal, deadly force has been used. For those of you who don’t know, I know marine snipers and I have heard other guys talk about it and I’ve heard that these guys go on the streets and they stalk people and they kill them. I know that the Army Airborne snipers do the same thing. They use Delta Force to go grab these people and silence them by killing them.
Larry Warren: US Air Force, Security Officer, present during the landing of a UFO at Bentwaters Air Force Base in the UK
We were gone over with a Geiger counter and there was one return on one of the guys, and something was taken out of his pocket. (He had picked up an item from the retrieved craft.) This guy was removed very quickly. And, I will swear on my life, I never saw him again. He was removed. This happened to a lot of people. It led to a suicide that the Air Force is responsible for. This is a real person with a real name ...
Master Sergeant Dan Morris : US Air Force, NRO (National Reconnaissance Office) Operative
I became part of a group that would investigate, gather the information, and in the beginning it was still under the Blue Book, Snowbird and different covert programmes. I would go interview people who claimed they had seen something and try to convince them they hadn’t seen something or that they were hallucinating. Well, if that didn’t work, another team would come in and give all the threats. And threaten them and their family and so on and so forth. And they would be in charge of discrediting them, making them look foolish and so on and so forth. Now if that didn’t work, then there was another team that put an end to that problem, one way or another.
Professor Robert Jacobs: US Air Force, who filmed a UFO intercepting an early ICBM test
After an article [came out about the incident] … I started being harassed at work. I started getting odd telephone calls that would come during the day. At night, at my house I would get telephone calls — all night long sometimes — 3.00 in the morning, 4.00 in the morning, midnight, 10.00. People would call and start screaming at me. “You are going down (unprintable expletive)! You are going down! And that’s all they would say.” And they’d keep screaming that until I finally hung up the phone.
One night somebody blew up my mailbox by putting a big load of skyrockets in it. The mailbox went up in flames. And that night at 1:00 in the morning the phone rang. I picked it up and somebody said, “skyrockets in your box at night, oh what a beautiful sight!”
And things like that have happened on and off since 1982 …
I believe this nutty fringe around UFOs is part of a concerted effort to keep serious study of it down. Anytime anybody tries to study this subject seriously, we are subject to ridicule. I’m a full professor at a relatively major university. And I’m certain that my colleagues at the university laugh at me and hoot and holler behind my back when they hear that I have an interest in studying unidentified flying objects — and that’s just one of the things that we have to live with …
What happened to the film is an interesting story in itself as Major Mansmann related to me and other people. Sometime after I had gone, the guys in civilian clothes — I thought it was the CIA but he said no, it wasn’t the CIA, it was somebody else — took the film and they spooled off the part that had the UFO on it and they took a pair of scissors and cut it off. They put that on a separate reel. They put it in their briefcase. They handed Major Mansmann back the rest of the film and said here, “I don’t need to remind you, Major, of the severity of a security breach; we’ll consider this incident closed.” And they walked off with the film. Major Mansmann never saw it again.
Merle Shane McDow: US Navy Atlantic Command
These two gentlemen began to question me about this event. They were being pretty rough about it, to be honest with you. I remember literally putting my hands up and saying, “Wait a minute fellows. I am on your side. Just a minute.” Because they were not really nice. They were very intimidating and made it quite clear to the point that nothing that was seen, heard, or witnessed, that transpired was to leave this building. You are not to say a word about it to your co-workers. And off base, you just forget everything that you may have seen or heard concerning this. It didn’t happen ...
Major George A Filer, III: US Air Force (Retd.)
At times I used to carry nuclear weapons. In other words, I was mentally fit to carry nuclear weapons, but I’m not mentally fit if I see a UFO. This criticism and this ridicule have done more to keep the story coming out than almost anything else.
John Callahan: FAA Head of Accidents and Investigations
… When they got done, they actually swore all these other guys in there that this never took place. We never had this meeting. And this was never recorded …
This was one of the guys from the CIA. Okay? That they were never there and this never happened. At the time I said, well I don’t know why you are saying this. I mean, there was something there and if it’s not the stealth bomber, then you know, it’s a UFO. And if it’s a UFO, why wouldn’t you want the people to know? Oh, they got all excited over that. You don’t even want to say those words. He said this is the first time they ever had 30 minutes of radar data on a UFO. And they are all itching to get their hands onto the data and to find out what it is and what really goes on. He says if they come out and told the American public that they ran into a UFO out there, it would cause panic across the country. So therefore, you can’t talk about it. And they are going to take all this data …
… When the CIA told us that this never happened and we never had this meeting, I believe it was because they didn’t want the public to know that this was going on. Normally we would put out some type of a news release that such and such happened ...
In short, so ruthless and unrelenting has been the secrecy associated with these issues that no institution or leader to date has been willing to take the matter on. Indeed, after we met with CIA Director James Woolsey in December 1993 and recommended that President Clinton take direct executive action to end the secrecy and facilitate a disclosure, we saw first hand how great the fear was. A friend of the president visited us after this meeting and informed us that it was felt that the president would “end up like [President] John Kennedy if he did what we suggested.” Of course, we initially burst into laughter, until we were stopped and informed that such concerns were real. We were stunned. Until then, we had relegated such concerns to the dustbin of conspiracy theories. But it appears that the fear and ruthless control exercised by these projects around the world has effectively kept the matter off the public radar screen. In our view, the propagation of such fear as a tool for control is a genuine form of international terrorism. Its effects are devastating: it has neutralised democratic processes and institutions, engendered paralysing fear, hijacked the future of humanity, impoverished billions of people and decimated the earthly environment in the span of one human lifetime. Indeed, the harmful effects of such rogue secrecy exceed by orders of magnitude the consequences of any terrorist organisation operating today.
Subsequent meetings with members of Congress and other high officials resulted in enormous concern — even consternation — but no action. We repeatedly heard that many in senior positions were concerned with such unsanctioned secrecy, but these officials would simply pass the buck to others, saying “Why don’t you meet with so and so on another committee and get him to hold a hearing?”
Other witnesses have described these operations thus:
Dr Paul Czysz: McDonnell Douglas Career Engineer
The black budget world is like trying to describe Casper the friendly ghost. You might see a cartoon of him but you don’t know how big he is, you don’t know where his funding comes from, you don’t know how many there are because of the compartmentalisation and the oath that people have to take. I know people today that worked on one of the things that I worked on, and if you asked them about it — even if it is being discussed on the Internet — they would say “No, I have no idea what you’re talking about.” They’re in their seventies now, but they still would absolutely never admit that they even know what you’re talking about. You have no idea, but it’s probably larger than you think.
John Maynard: DIA Official
Of corporations involved in this matter, Atlantic Research Corporation is one of the big ones. So it’s not very often heard about. It’s an insider beltway bandit, if you want to call it that, very low profile, mostly has all of its work done within Intelligence. TRW, Johnson Controls, Honeywell; All of them at some point or another became involved with the intelligence field. Certain works, activities were contracted out to them. Atlantic Research was one of them — way back. These are entities that were created out of people in the Pentagon to become a “beltway bandit” — received projects, grants, and monies to do certain projects that were so highly classified and compartmentalised that, you know, only about four people would know what was going on. So it was that tightly controlled.
Edgar Mitchell : Astronaut
Whatever activity is going on, to the extent that it is a clandestine group, a quasi-government group, a quasi-private group, it is without any type, as far as I can tell, of high-level government oversight. And that is a great concern.
Mitchell later made a statement to the media, reported in the St Petersburg Times of February 28, 2004, “The Aliens have landed … a few insiders know the truth and are studying the bodies … A cabal of insiders stopped briefing presidents about extraterrestrials after President Kennedy.”
Sergeant Clifford Stone : US Army
…. They immediately come out and say, “Oh, we can’t keep secrets, we can’t keep secrets.” Well, the truth is, yes, we can.
The National Reconnaisance Office remained secret for many, many years. The mere existence of the NSA remained secret. The development of the atomic weapon remained secret until once you exploded one you eventually had to tell some people what was going on.
…. I had classified documents the Air Force acknowledged. When I got members of Congress to help me open up more files, they were immediately destroyed and I can prove this.
When Congress did their review of the way we protect documents, and the way we go ahead and implement our secrecy programmes, they found that you had special access programmes within special access programmes — that it was essentially impossible to keep control of them all by Congress. And, I’m telling you right now; it is essentially impossible to keep control of them all.
When it comes to UFOs, the same criteria [sic] applies. Therefore, only a small nucleus within the intelligence community, numbering less than a hundred — no, I’d suggest less than 50 — control all that information. It is not subject to congressional review or oversight at all.
Dr Robert Wood: McDonnell Douglas Aerospace Engineer
As you may know, when you get cleared for one of these classified programmes you wear your special badge and you know you can talk to anybody who’s in the room with a lot of candour and it feels like that’s one’s psychological group — there’s a lot of camaraderie that builds up. And you had access to special libraries. So one of the things that we could do is go up to the library that the Air Force ran and sort of paw through top secret material. Since I was interested in UFOs, when I had some usual business to take care of, I’d also look in their library to see what they had on UFOs. And for about a year I was getting quite a few hits on the subject about various reports. Then all of a sudden, the whole subject material vanished. The entire classification for the subject just vanished. The librarian in our group that I was working with said he’d been in that vault for twenty years and knew exactly how things were normally done. He said, “This is remarkable!” He said, “I’ve never seen that before, you just don’t have a whole subject vanish out from under you.” He said, “I think there is something there that you hit on ...”
In the meantime, there was one other thing that came about as a result of my association with Jim McDonald (a well-known UFO scientific investigator). I liked the guy; he was really an energetic physicist and wouldn’t let any grass grow under his feet. When he got a case he would dig his teeth into it and present an overwhelmingly convincing story to professional societies. He would talk to the American Institute of Aeronautics and the American Physical Society, and I happened to be members of both. So whenever he was in town I would pick him up, escort him, made sure he felt welcome.
So once when I was travelling through Tucson, where he lived, I stopped — I had a two-hour layover to catch an airplane — and he came out to the airport to have a beer with me. I said, “What’s new, Jim?” He said, “I think I’ve got it.” I said, “What do you think you got?” He said, “I think I got the answer.” I said, “What is it?” He said, “I can’t tell you yet. I have got to be sure.” It was six weeks after that that he tried to shoot himself. A couple months after that he finally died.
Knowing what I think I now suspect about the skills of our counter intelligence people, I think we had the capacity to convince him to do it himself. I thi nk that’s what happened ...
Clearly in order to have effective control of this subject, you have to control it at all levels and the most obvious level is the media. So you have to look at all the kinds of media there are, the movies, the magazines, and of course in the early days that’s all it is, newspapers and movies and magazines. Now we have the Internet and video and all those other sorts of things. But as the technology has blossomed in these other avenues, the people worrying about this control have also just moved into those avenues right along with them. So every time a new avenue comes up they have a new counterpoint.
The reader should note that we have gathered nearly 500 such credentialled witnesses from every agency and branch of the military, as well as select corporations involved in the secrecy.
The group maintaining this secrecy, at least at a policy level, numbers some 200–300 individuals from a number of countries and represents a powerful array of interests including those connected to financial, technological, security, religious, media, political and scientific areas. In 1993, contacts in this group stated to us that about a third of those involved were in favour of ending the secrecy and a broad disclosure of the facts; as of today we estimate over 40 per cent hold this opinion. Those who think that such a group could not get away indefinitely with such secrecy are right. We have obtained sufficient actionable intelligence, sources and documents to make the case. We have names, programme code numbers, the locations of operations and corporate programmes and related vital intelligence. But to whom will this information be disclosed and to what end?
Since the secrecy related to these technologies and operations is rogue, unconstitutional and harmful, any legitimate governmental or international body could hold a hearing at which witnesses and evidence could be presented. Legal and national security experts associated with the Disclosure Project have determined that, since the secrecy is unregulated and outside the bounds of the law, the leaders of such projects have no legitimate right to enforce such secrecy. This means those persons holding secrets are no longer constitutionally bound by any past or current secrecy oaths. This assessment has been shared with senior governmental officials and to date no entity or official has challenged this position.
Significantly, during the preparation and in the aftermath of the above-mentioned National Press Club event, none of the whistle-blowers or staff of the Disclosure Project have been threatened or silenced in any way. We have been able to make a definitive case for the evidence as also for the illegal nature of the secrecy. Hence, no legal entity can insist on silence.
Aside from these legal arguments, there is a compelling moral and ethical reason to end the secrecy. First, humanity is suffering needlessly due to the continued withholding of vital scientific and technological knowledge acquired through these programmes.
These technologies allow for the extraction of useful energy from the so-called quantum vacuum state. This means that every village in Africa or India could have an off-the-grid energy source that extracts energy from the space around the device, with no need for the burning of fuels or transmission lines from central utilities. Such “free energy” generators would utterly transform the current, seemingly hopeless world situation as regards poverty, pollution, economic stagnation and the like.
Second, the world stands to gain from new critical technology. The implications of replacing fossil fuels and nuclear power with these new, advanced energy and propulsion systems cannot be overstated: every aspect of life on earth will be affected and a truly sustainable, technologically advanced civilisation can be built. The developing world can bypass the stage of industrial pollution and expensive centralised utilities and go directly to point-of-use power generation. As abundance grows exponentially, educational opportunities will increase. Global warming will cease and pollution generally will be brought under control. Desalinating sea water will become inexpensive and help prevent desertification and resource depletion. And we will have no more oil wars.
Third, disclosure of these secret programmes is not without its potentially negative consequences. It may be argued that such a new technology could have destabilising military applications. This is no doubt true — every new technology can be harnessed for war. But this brings up an important point: are we, as a civilisation, prepared to see humanity commit planeticide — the killing of an entire planet — just so we can avoid the respon-sibility of creating a peaceful world? The state of the world will not be significantly improved by tinkering around the edges of oil, coal, solar or wind power, and we are facing a cruel future of environmental decay, impoverished exploding populations, global instability and war. This, while a comprehensive solution to these problems sits in a black box.
Hence, it is time for these technologies to be properly and carefully disclosed and applied. The International Court of Justice and other international agencies must take a leadership role in investigating and disclosing the facts, and facilitating the release of these new energy and propulsion systems. The Disclosure Project stands ready to provide full information and briefings to governmental leaders, institutions and agencies.
The international community must investigate these issues — and stop looking the other way. Illegal secrecy, withholding solutions to our most pressing concerns, is one of the greatest moral and political crises of our time, if not the greatest one. The time has come that this publicly funded but “hijacked” research be made available for the benefit of all of humanity. That six billion humans continue to live in a manner that cannibalises our home planet while solutions are deliberately and with malice withheld cannot be allowed. No matter how great the financial or other interests may be in propping up the dying oil economy, we cannot let our oil addiction drag the entire body of humanity down with it.
Instead, with courage and care, let us disclose the truth, and allow these wondrous new sciences to provide humanity with the means to live peacefully and in abundance on earth. This is no utopian dream. We already have the means to create such a world. Now we must find the will.
fonte: World Affairs
Steven Greer is the director of The Disclosure Project
National Press Club Conference, May 9th 2001 [Hi - Low - Stream]
By James Casbolt, former MI6 agent
What follows may seem totally over the top and, for some, completely unbelievable. However it cannot be dismissed so easily. First James had tremendous problems getting this article through to us, a sign that someone did not want it to receive wider exposure. Secondly, James himself was harassed while working on it and some of his earlier assertions – that the global intelligence community is behind much of the world's drugs trade for instance – have also largely been confirmed.
Finally, ask yourself what the biblical prophets would have made of 'extra terrestrials' had they seen them in their visions? Would they not perhaps have described them as 'demons' or 'Satan's own'? Whatever you call them however: 'demons', 'devils' or 'Extra-Terrestrials', what follows should be read with an open mind. As elements in the New World Order collude with much darker forces – alien or demon – humanities very destiny could be at stake. Ed.
Underground Bases, Missing Children and Extra-Terrestrials What You Need to Know for Your Future By James Casbolt, former MI6 agent – July 4, 2006
After the completion of my last article ‘MI6 are the lords of the global drug trade’ [ver. ita.] I must now present the full picture as to what the intelligence community drug trafficking money is being used for. I need to do this for many reasons. The truth must come out and I need to protect my family and myself. If any of us were to come to a premature end it would only add more credibility to what I am saying. Therefore by presenting the following I am protecting us. Government harassment and surveillance of me has increased since going public with the last article. I believe this has now become a ’national security’ issue. I have had my life threatened, men situated in the hotel opposite my flat taking photographs of me using a high tech, long range camera which uses a blue laser, my phone line and my girlfriends mother’s phone line tapped, my information hacked into and taken off multiple websites and e-mails from government officials blocked. I believe this is because I am leaking information on projects classified ‘above top secret’ which I will go into in detail in this article. The intelligence run drug trafficking is only classified ‘secret’. My name is James Casbolt and I worked in MI6 covert cocaine trafficking operations with the IRA in London between 1995 and 1999. My father Peter Casbolt was also MI6 and worked with the CIA and mafia in Rome in 1993 on covert cocaine and heroin trafficking operations. The global drugs trade run by many factions of the global intelligence community co-operating together (MI6, CIA, MOSSAD etc) is worth at least £500 billion a year. This is more than the global oil trade. MI6 control many of the other intelligence agencies in the world. MI6 created the CIA in 1947 and still control them today. This ‘black ops’ drug money or in classic Orwellian terms, MI6/CIA ’non-appropriated funds’ is being used to fund government and military projects classified ‘Above top secret’. These operations include a huge worldwide UFO cover up and the building and maintaining of deep underground military bases (D.U.M.B.S). There are many of these bases worldwide but here is small list. 1- Dulce in New Mexico 2-Brecon Beacons in Wales 3-Los Alamos in Mexico 4- Pine Gap in Australia 5- The Snowy mountains in Australia 5- The Nyala range in Africa 6- West of Kindu in Africa 6- Next to the Libyan border in Egypt 7- Mount Blanc in Switzerland 8- Narvik in Scandinavia 9- Gottland island in Sweden and many other places. These projects are being run by a secret, unelected international governing body connected to the U.N. There are at least 1400 of these D.U.M.B.S worldwide. 131 in the US. With 2 underground bases being built per year in the US at the moment. The average depth of the bases are four and a quarter miles underground ( some shallower and some deeper ). The bases are on average the size a medium sized city. Each DUMB base costs between 17 and 26 billion dollars to build which is funded by MI6/CIA drug money. Each underground base employs 10000 to 18000 workers. A nuclear powered drill it used to dig underground. This drill goes through rock at a tremendous rate and literally melts the rock away to form a smooth glass like surface around the edges of the tunnels. On May 20 I personally received information from a former member of the NSA (National security agency) through a third party. I wish to protect this man’s identity and so I will call him ‘G’. This is the first time this information is being made public. G was subcontracted by the NSA in the late 1980’s and worked for the NSA until 1992. He was a senior electrical engineer in the Los Alamos underground base in New Mexico. G also worked at the Alamo Gordo DUMB in New Mexico and an underground base in Hawaii. He said the Los Alamos base goes two miles underground and is the size of a small city. Whilst there he witnessed rows of caged humans, tall grey aliens and a reptilian alien. G says the NSA was very hard on all subcontractors and people were worked very hard under severe conditions. According to G the US federal government, the USAF and the DOE (department of energy) run the Hawaii DUMB he worked at. This base goes down two miles and stretches out into the Pacific Ocean. It was here that three very tall and muscular ‘Nordic’ looking men (who according to G were reptilian/human hybrids because their eyes would ‘shift’ into having vertical slits for pupils) chased him along the motorway there and threatened to kill him because he had overheard them talking about some piece of high technology. Understandably G has been emotionally scarred from these experiences and does not like talking to people about them. I was also told on May 23 from this source that in June there would be a huge amount of HAARP engineered earthquakes on the west coast of America and that the DUMBS there had already been evacuated and shut down. This was one hundred percent accurate because between the 21 and 28 of June there were at least 400 earthquakes on the West Coast of America. I posted all this information on the God like productions forum on the net and within hours the post was hacked into and removed. By executive order the NSA is exempt from all laws which do not specifically name the NSA in the text of the law. Which basically means they can do whatever they want and are answerable to no one. This is because of its interaction with extra-terrestrial species and its twisted view that the people are children and cannot handle the truth. There is currently an internal war raging in the global intelligence community regarding the alien agenda. This is between negative and positive factions. From my understanding one of the main negative factions is a group centred around MI6 and the CIA called ‘Aquarius‘. This group is covering up the truth, blatantly lying and discrediting or murdering anyone who gets too close to exposing what is going on. There is also a positive group centred around naval intelligence called ’Comm 12’ which is leaking accurate information regarding the alien agenda into the public arena. When the missile (not plane) hit the pentagon on 9-11, it hit the naval intelligence section of the building. This was part of the internal war between Aquarius and Comm 12 being played out. Aquarius has also enlisted the help of Hollywood and the mainstream media to twist the facts of the alien agenda and blind the public to the truth. Sir Martin Wakefield Jacomb was director for the telegraph newspapers in 1986. He is also connected into MI6 and is involved with laundering MI6 drug money through the bank of England. Jacomb was the director of the bank of England from 1987 to 1995. Former head of the CIA William Casey was head of the council of the media network ABC. Many Insiders refer to the ABC network as ‘The CIA network’. The grey and reptilian aliens working together with the military in the underground bases is called MIEC (military industrial extra- terrestrial complex). This is a malevolent organisation, as you shall see with the following information. There are also benevolent ET’s on this planet. These groups are not part of the MIEC and are from the Pleiades, Andromeda, Lyra, Procyon, Tau Ceti, Sirius A, and Ummo. These groups seem to work together in some kind of protective ‘federation’. On February 20, 1954 a delegation from these groups met with the Eisenhower administration in an unsuccessful effort to reach an agreement on the US’s thermonuclear weapons program. The stumbling block to these negotiations was that these ET’s were not willing to provide technology that might have been used by the military-industrial factions of the Eisenhower administration. These peace loving ‘human looking’ beings refused to be co-opted into the emerging military industrial extra terrestrial complex (MIEC) in the US, Britain, Russia and elsewhere on the planet. On July 11, 1934 the first treaty with the greys from Orion occurred aboard a naval ship in Balboa. This was one of the most important events in human history because it thrust us into a role we were not prepared for as regards to being a host to a malevolent extra-terrestrial race. The US federal government disregarded the constitution of the United States by doing this and not telling the people. It was here that the agreement was first made between the greys representing the reptilians from Orion and representatives of the US intelligence community. The treaty stated that in return for the greys providing high technology (anti-gravity, metals and alloys, environment, free energy and medical technology) the government would allow the greys to proceed unhindered with human abductions. This was only if a list of abductees was provided to the government and the abductees returned unharmed with their memories of the events erased. In 1944 the second extension of the treaty was signed. I have very little details of this. In May 1954 again under the Eisenhower administration the third extension of this treaty was signed called ‘The Greada treaty’. The greys and reptilians blatantly broke the terms of this treaty as we shall see later in this information. The greada treaty was agreed upon at the Holloman air force base in New Mexico by the greys and the ‘Ultra’ unit in the NSA. The original document of this treaty and the ET materials from it can be found today at the NSA facility called ‘Blue moon’ underneath Kirkland air force base in New Mexico. The entrance to this underground base is in the Manzano mountains. Also at this location is the technological base of the secretive department of energy (DOE). Today free energy devices developed from grey and reptilian technology are being built for use in space at the DOE base. On April 15 1964 two intelligence personnel met under ‘project Plato’ with the greys in the New Mexico desert to arrange a meeting on April 25 at Holloman air force base in New Mexico. This meeting was to renew the treaty again in a psychological bid to buy time in order to solve the problem of the greys and reptilians. A truly nightmarish situation is now unfolding. Phil Schneider was a geologist, structural engineer and underground tunnelling expert for the US government and the UN. He participated in the construction of many DUMBS in North America and other countries. Phil was murdered by the CIA on January 17 1996 in his apartment in Wilsonville in Portland, Oregon. In 1979 in Dulce New Mexico, Phil Schneider was drilling into the desert there to build an auxiliary base in the southern end of Dulce on top of an already existing underground base there. The already existing base had been built by the US government in the 1940’s under ’ operation blue note’ but afterwards had been taken over by greys and reptilians. Over a period of two days Phil and his team had drilled four holes in the desert that went down several thousand feet. One of the holes kept bringing up dirty dust, putrid odours and broken off machine bits that were sent down the hole. Boring machines and lasers came back up damaged when they were sent down there. A probe was then sent down that came back up totally missing. Eventually people were sent down. Phil was the first person to go. He was lowered down into the cave and when he got down there, standing around ten feet away were two seven-foot greys. He became petrified but managed to empty one clip from his pistol into the greys. As he was reloading one of the greys hit Phil with some kind of particle beam weapon which gave him a very high dose of nuclear radiation poisoning, similar to cobalt radiation but even worse. Phil’s lung was burnt out of him and he has a huge scar running down his chest which he showed at his lectures which are available on video His fingers on his left hand were burnt off, his bones were burnt. He was basically cooked. He was in radiation isolation therapy for 400 days plus. In the cave large metallic vats were found filled with human body parts, generally glands. In the vats were high tech stirring devices that stopped the blood coagulating. In Aztec in New Mexico on the 13 February 1948 a crashed flying disk was retrieved by the US military. The craft was 100 feet in diameter was made of a light metal resembling aluminium and contained ET reptilian bodies. A large number of human body parts were also found on board the craft. The ‘above top secret’ security lid was screwed down on this even tighter than Roswell to stop mass panic. The very next day after the crash (the craft was probably shot down by the military) the government bought up the property from the local landowners. Witnesses in Aztec observed covered military trucks going in and out of the area for days after the crash. The craft was transported to Wright Patterson air force base. The disc incorporated large rings of metal which revolved around a central stabilised cabin. There were no rivets, bolts, screws or signs of wielding. People in Aztec carefully guard their words as to the accounts of the crashed disk. The Aztec citizens are still being monitored by the military to this day. One elderly woman said her husband watched the military trucks going in and out of the crash area for days. She said she was very nervous about the whole thing and didn't want to talk about any of it other than her husband seeing the military vehicles. She was asked if she believed there had been a UFO crash. Her response was “ If something hadn’t happened out there, how come the military rushed right in... why was the covered military trucks going in and out of the canyon...why did they deny being there...and why were they buying the near and surrounding land where the UFO supposedly crashed? In Cambodia in 1972 at the height of the Vietnam war, a US special operations team out on patrol came across a group of alien creatures loading various human body parts into large metal containers and sealing them. A pitched battle ensued, which resulted in fatalities on both sides. As the soldiers pulled back the aliens quickly retreated to their craft taking the body parts with them. As usual a major cover-up was quickly enforced. One of my contacts in Wales who I will call ‘D’ to protect his identity, was approached by an elite intelligence organisation called ‘Group 5-8’. This group was formed by Margaret Thatcher in the 1980’s to work at the sights of crashed ET craft in Britain. This is the first time this information is being made public. Even though group 5-8 was formed by Margaret Thatcher it is a UN group. The group 5-8 man called George showed my contact a UN identity card with UN holograms on it. George then drove D to a clandestine meeting on a motorway services. It was here that George showed D photographs of human mutilations they had found near the heavily guarded Breaken beacon DUMB in Wales. These photos were taken at a sealed off area where UFO activity had taken place. The photos showed a girl of sixteen and a boy of twenty who had their genitals removed, eyeballs removed, lips removed and directly half of their skin was missing. George said group 5-8 regularly found camper vans around this area where the occupants had vanished. D understandably had nightmares for weeks after this and was soon after followed by a high-tech American utility van with blue lights underneath it. I believe this was a NSA van. Days after this D had his life threatened over the phone. The call was anonymous but told him to keep quite or his house would be burnt down with him in it. George then called D and told him his life was in danger and to get the information out as soon as possible to protect himself. The next day a gasman turned up pulled out his ID the moment the door was opened walked in and checked the metre. When he left a fire broke out which nearly burnt down the house with D and his wife in it. The house was wrecked and the fire brigade said the fire had mysteriously started in the bin in the room where the gasman was. After this D another man and myself were investigating reports of a DUMB and missing children around the small village of Zennor in Cornwall. There had been many sightings of alien beings on the cliffs there since the 1960’s and many UFO sightings around the area and large amounts of covert military activity. Some of the UFO’s had disappeared into the ocean there according to witnesses. Two years ago a Devon and Cornwall police project classified ’secret’ had gone on. This was a dig for the mass graves of children by the police. They had traced the reports of many missing children to this area. This is classified information that D managed to get hold of from his contacts. Once again this is the first time this information is being made public. From what I can gather the police did not find any bodies and the digging area was walled off from the public. I believe the police were looking in the wrong place because the activity seems to be coming from underground. When the poet D.H Lawrence stayed at a small cottage in Zennor he heard explosions coming from deep underground. And Aleister Crowley who was an MI6 agent spent much time at Zennor. As already stated MI6 and the CIA are heavily involved in the alien agenda and I believe Aleister Crowley was up to his neck in it. Aleister Crowley had performed many satanic rituals at a cottage in Zennor (there seems to be a close connection with Satanism and the greys and reptilians). At this cottage one night after Crowley left that a woman named Ka Cox died of a stroke and her husband went insane and ended up in Bodmin mental asylum. The man said a reptilian being had materialised in the house and I believe Ka Cox died of fright after seeing this. The police files pertaining to her death were stolen from the police station after this. Aleister Crowley was also at Montauk in New York when the project was in full swing and there is a quantum energy grid line that runs from Montauk to Zennor and the Men An Tol ancient stones in Cornwall. After the fire at D’s house everything had been quite for a couple of years. All of a sudden after two days into our missing children investigation at Zennor, D had men outside his bedroom window shining lights in. This is an intimidation tactic used by the intelligence agencies. I have only scratched the surface of what is going on at Zennor as there is not room to go into it all here. The bigger picture will be made public soon. So what is going on with these human mutilations and missing people?. The truth of the matter is that the greys and reptilians feed off the glandular secretions and hormones through a type of osmosis. This is why major organs are taken from people. Your mind may want to go into denial that this is happening but if you start digging you will find this is 100% true. On the Crowed skies website there is video smuggled out of the Dulce underground facility that shows greys inside vats absorbing these blood mixtures through their skin. Researchers Bill Hamilton and Tal Levesque (AKA Jason Bishop) received reports from workers at the Dulce DUMB who worked there in the mid 1970’s when it was being jointly run by the CIA, greys and reptilians. This was before the ET’s completely took the base over and kicked the humans out. The workers said the Dulce facility goes down at least seven levels. Level six is privately called ’nightmare hall’ amongst workers. They tell of bizarre experimentation and multi-legged humans that look half human and half octopus, reptilian humanoids, furry creatures with hands like humans that cry like a baby, and mimic human words. Also a huge mixture of lizard humans in cages, several cages of winged humans, three and a half to seven feet tall bat like creatures and gargoyle like beings. In level seven are thousands of rows of human and human genetic mixtures in cold storage, humanoid embryo storage vats with embryos in various stages of development. Other workers said they witnessed scenes even more terrifying than this and refused to talk about them. One worker told Bill Hamilton “ I frequently encountered humans in cages, usually dazed or drugged, but sometimes they cried and begged for help. We were told they were insane and involved in high-risk drug tests to cure insanity. We were told never to speak to them at all. At the beginning we believed the story. Finally in 1978 a small group of workers discovered the truth”. Thomas Castello was one of the security workers at the Dulce facility. Thomas worked seven years for the Rand Corporation in California. He was transferred to Dulce in 1977. He estimated there were more than 18000 short greys at Dulce and also saw tall reptilians. Thomas knew of seven levels but said there could have been more. He said the aliens were on levels five, six and seven. The lower you go the higher the security clearance is needed. The only sign in English is above the tube shuttle system and says ’To Los Alamos’. The tube shuttle travels at mach 2.7. Most signs at the Dulce facility are in the alien symbol language and a universal system understood by humans and ET’s. Thomas said the other shuttle connections from Dulce went to Page Arizona, Area 51 Nevada, Taos Carlsbad, Datil New Mexico, Colorado Springs and Creede Colorado. Thomas also said there is a vast number of tube shuttle connections under the United States which extend into a global system of tunnels to other underground bases in other countries. Thomas Castello said that below the second level of the Dulce facility everyone is weighed naked and given a uniform. Any change in weight is noted and if there is a change in weight of three pounds or more the people are x-rayed. At the entrance to all sensitive areas are scales and the persons weight must match with their ID card and code to gain entry. Thomas Castello smuggled many things out of the Dulce facility before he escaped which included twenty seven sheets of 8x10 photos of alien and genetic creatures in vats.
One silent surveillance camera video tape, which begins with showing computer banks then vats, multi shots of nightmare hall, two shots of greys, one shot of the terminal sign saying ’To Los Alamos’ and thirty seconds of the shuttle train arriving. Twenty five pages of diagrams, chemical formulas, schematics and alien equipment. * A copy of the new government/alien treaty with signatures. * Two pages of original documents signed by Ronald Reagan (then governor of California). Each page has Ronald Reagan's signature plus other political signatures and four alien signatures. * Thomas Castello’s ‘flash gun’ (a laser type weapon used by the security officers at Dulce). * Thomas put the original set of these items in a sealed, one piece oxygen free heavy plastic box. Five sets of copies are in five different boxes in five different locations guarded by five different individuals known only to Thomas Castello. I understand these individuals would be scared to leak this proof as Thomas Castello's wife and child were kidnapped and then disappeared in Puerto Rico not long after this (now presumed dead). But if any of you are reading this then please contact me anonymously and we can arrange for you to send me a copy. I will be able to get it out on a large scale. My e-mail address will be at the end of this article. This is part of an interview with Thomas Castello before he disappeared- “ I am saying there are aliens in several underground bases in this country and terrible things happen in those places. If I die before it is proven search for proof. Demand that the government admit it. If enough people demand it they will find a way to explain the base or at least explain why they must keep it secret. There are many people that work at Dulce that know me. I am challenging those co-workers to speak up anonymously. Send a letter to confirm what I have explained. In the name of the brave men, women, children and aliens that died trying to let the public know what is going on at the Dulce facility. Expose that horrid place before thousands more innocent people are tortured and die unspeakable deaths”. The Rand corporation which is involved in the construction of these underground bases has released ‘ The Roper report’. This is now a third generation report that says according to their research one in ten people have been abducted and implanted by the Greys and reptilians and returned with their memories erased. This report has been sent out to one hundred and ten thousand clinical psychiatrists in the US. The Roper report also states that women are being raped by reptilian ET’s as part of a ongoing genetic program by them. As fantastic as this sounds it is backed up by some of the world’s top MD’s like John Mack and many others. There are some ninety concerned psychiatric scientists in the US who are trying to form an organisation to prevent secrecy on this horrendous situation. They say that because of the alien/government treaties this amounts to government sponsored rape. According to the Roper report 99.3% of the abductees being used in this ongoing genetic ET program are female and 0.7% are male. I have personally seen intelligence documents of studies into the Grey and Reptilian problem that show they are involved in genetic sabotage of the human race. The Grey and Reptilian alien agenda is to slowly and covertly take over the planet in the next thirty years, reduce the population and run the planet from underground using the surface population as food to be taken when and how they wish. The British, Russian and US government is shooting down around one Grey and Reptilian craft a month with particle beam weapons developed from Tesla technology. The Russians have areas the size of football fields full of crashed ET craft. If that is not a full-scale invasion I don’t know what is. The British, Russian and US government have become ‘blood brothers’ and the best of friends because of the alien agenda. The Russian and US cold war was feigned animosity and a sham so these governments could develop nuclear weapon programs to counter the alien threat. The cold war was a lie for the public to take the attention away from what the nuclear weapons program was really being developed for, not against Russia but as a last resort against the Greys and Reptilians. The headquarters of the secret international governing body in charge of dealing with the ET phenomenon is in Geneva, Switzerland. The ruling body is made up of representatives of the governments involved as well as the executive members of the group known as the Bilderburgers. As I have said the British, American and Russian governments are working very closely together because of the Grey/Reptilian threat to the planet. Although the situation is so horrendous that these governments have shattered into panicked factions, some of which have ’sold out’ and are directly helping the Greys and Reptilians. According to very credible US government insider William Cooper the most important meetings of this secret international governing body are held by the policy committee on a nuclear submarine beneath the polar ice caps. The secrecy is such that this is the only method to make certain the meetings cannot be bugged and is the only place they will discuss their biggest secrets. It would be wrong and cruel of me to present his information without presenting the full picture. The Greys and reptilians from Orion have been involved in an ancient war with the Benevolent Pleiadians and other groups. The Pleiadians are a very powerful group and are the guardians of this solar system. I personally do not believe they will let the grey/reptilian agenda fully unfold. They have helped us in the past, are helping us now and will help us in the future. I know this because I have had many Para-normal ET contact experiences since childhood. There is not room to go into detail here but is covered in the ’Above top secret’ presentation with investigative journalist Dave Starbuck. Type ’revelation audio visual-Dave star buck’ into a search engine to find. I have very clear photographic evidence of benevolent Pleiadian ET’s materialising in my house and a box of ‘channelled’ communications with these beings. These photographs will stand up to a computer grain analysis test because they are all one hundred percent real. I also do not have the knowledge or technology to fake them. One photo shows a very clear face materialising in front of me. I also have post traumatic stress disorder from abductions and other contacts with malevolent reptilian entities. Again these are covered in ’Above top secret’. There is a massive number of missing children in Britain, America and other places connected to these underground bases. The figure in Britain seems to be at least twenty thousand children dissappear without a trace every year. In a 1995 classified CIA, DIA (defence intelligence agency) and FBI report, it stated that one hundred thousand children and one million adults disappear and are never found in the US every year. You may ask yourself how is this being covered up. As was mentioned at the beginning of the article, the same group working with the greys and reptilians which is MI6, CIA and the MIEC, own and control the mainstream media. In 2001 Scotland Yard police revealed that it had been unable to find three hundred black boys aged between four to seven that disappeared from London in a three-month period. The three hundred boys were reported missing between July and September in 2001. Journalist Yinka Sunmonu an expert in missing children told the BBC’s Today program “Children are here one day and gone the next”. In 1989 in Westchester, New York which was the site of numerous UFO overflights and reports of human abductions at that time. Over three thousand missing children reports surfaced. After extensive investigation by local police departments the children were not found at red light districts or centres for run a ways. Researchers and law enforcement officials were baffled. There is also the CIA ‘finders case’. This involved negative factions of the CIA directly involved in child kidnapping. This was revealed in a 1987 US customs report. Customs and police raided a Washington DC warehouse which was used by the CIA. There they found a set of instructions broadcast via a computer network which advised the CIA to move a huge amount of kidnapped children that were originally being held at the warehouse (customs and police found large amount of nappies and other things there) and to keep them moving across jurisdictions. There were instructions on impregnation of female teenagers and also instructions on how to avoid police detection. The destination for the children in the instructions was New Mexico. The Albuquerque journal ran an article entitled ’ Why New Mexico has so many more missing children than comparable states remains a mystery’. Much of this activity is centred around New Mexico where the Dulce underground facility is. One male survivor of the MI6/CIA mind control project Monarch described in ’The illuminati formula’ by Fritz Springmeir, the china lake naval base at Ridgecrest in the California desert. This anonymous man says batches of children numbering one, two and three thousand were kept in cages piled up to the ceiling of large hangers. He says these cages are called ’woodpecker grids’. These are electrified and the children were tortured with electric shocks. Children are today still being transported to china lake naval base by train, car and air. One of the main delivery routes for children into China Lake is by plane from the Santa Rosa airstrip near Bohemian grove. The Santa Rosa airstrip is supposed to be closed, yet planes take off from there every night and do not put there lights on until they are hundreds of feet in the air. The Nazi geneticist and mind control scientist Joseph Mengela ‘The angel of death’ from the Auschwitz concentration camp was brought to America after the war by MI6 and the OSS (which became the CIA) in project paperclip. Many other leading Nazi mind control experts, rocket scientists and geneticists were also brought to America and Britain after the war. Joseph Mengela stayed at the China Lake base and the Tavistock institute in London. China Lake naval base is in the same as Lancaster, California. It was in Lancaster the mass graves of mutilated children were discovered. By the sheer amount of evidence the only conclusion I can come to is that certain sections of the US and British government have sold us and our children out to malevolent ET’s in backdoor treaties. The situation is truly grim. Come on people, time to wake up! The new world order and UN one world government is this rigid control structure to clamp the people of the world into a totalitarian vice so they won’t have to tell us about the aliens. I also believe that certain sections of the intelligence community and the US and British government are directly helping the Greys and Reptilians with their takeover agenda. Evidence seems to point to the ET’s promising these humans certain powers when this happens. The name of the powerful secretive group ‘The Tri lateral commission’ is taken from the Orion Grey/Reptilian flag known as the Tri lateral insignia. This shows how much trouble the Human race is in. There is now an apathy amongst the people towards world events that is deadly and contagious. This is especially true of the people of Britain. We have truly become a nation of sheep. I challenge you to shake off that apathy and challenge your government to tell you the truth. Please send letters copies of this article to your local government officials and distribute it amongst your friends and family. This information desperately needs to get out on a large scale as possible but I cannot do this on my own, I need your help. There is a huge amount of pressure on the governments to go public on the ET scenario, but there is also a huge amount of pressure on them not to go public as well. We need to demand our government officials tell us the truth about the ET scenario and if they do not we must impeach them. If there are any government officials or intelligence personnel who still have a conscious and would like to provide me with information on any of the areas covered in this article or information on any other areas, please contact me at the e-mail addresses below. I will also be willing to meet you face to face. Also if anyone else has any information, feedback or comments it would be greatly appreciated. Please feel to e-mail me. I am sorry if I did not reply to everyones e-mails after my last article as many of my e-mails were and are being blocked. It‘s probably best to send e-mails to both of my e-mails addresses from now on to make sure they get to me. I did receive over three hundred e-mails though so thank you for the support. If we all work together we can overcome this danger.
In truth and light
James Casbolt
3/7/06 St Ives-Cornwall
fonte: The Truth Seeker
Using Space Weapons against Extraterrestrial Civilizations
Pre-publication version of article published in Nexus Magazine, vol 13:2 (Feb-March 2006): 55-60.
In one of its first major policy changes after coming into power in January 2001, the Bush administration signaled its intent to withdraw from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Defense Treaty with Russia. The ABM Treaty had been intended to prevent the deployment of weapons in space and enjoyed major international support since its ratification in 1972 by the Nixon administration. In a May 2001 speech, President Bush argued that the 30 year old ABM Treaty was outdated and that the U.S. must formally move beyond its constraints to deal with new security threats:
We need a new framework that allows us to build missile defenses to counter the different threats of today’s world. To do so, we must move beyond the constraints of the 30-year-old ABM Treaty. This treaty does not recognize the present, or point us to the future. It enshrines the past. No treaty that prevents us from addressing today’s threats, that prohibits us from pursuing promising technology to defend ourselves, our friends and our allies is in our interests or in the interests of world peace.1
The Bush administration gave its formal notice to withdraw on December 13, 2001, and promptly withdrew six months later. The Bush administration thus formally embarked on realizing some of the goals of the Strategic Defense Initiative that had first been promoted by the Reagan administration in March 1983. Reagan had envisaged the development of space based intercept systems that could be used to destroy large scale ballistic missile attacks on the United States. Reagan’s SDI floundered as the Cold War wound down and the Democrat controlled U.S. Congress aimed to use the anticipated ‘peace dividend’ to improve social programs. Furthermore, many prominent scientists argued against the cost of developing SDI’s futuristic weapons systems. In July 1999, the Clinton Administration passed the National Missile Defense Act calling for a more limited anti-ballistic missile system:
It is the policy of the United States to deploy as soon as is technologically possible an effective National Missile Defense system capable of defending the territory of the United States against limited ballistic missile attack (whether accidental, unauthorized, or deliberate) with funding subject to the annual authorization of appropriations and the annual appropriation of funds for National Missile Defense.2
The Bush administration quickly moved to formally deploying an antiballistic missile system as part of the National Missile Defense Program.
In May 2005, the US Air Force formally requested permission from the Bush administration for a national security directive so that it could "secure space to protect the nation from attack". The Air Force request moves the Bush Administration closer to approving the weaponization of space and sparking an arms race in space with the US major strategic competitors, Russia and China. These developments towards deploying weapons in space received a surprising objection when a former Canadian Defense Minister addressed a UFO Conference in Toronto. He linked the deployment of space weapons not to possible ballistic missile attacks by rogue nations or terrorist groups, but as a means of targeting UFOs that were piloted by extraterrestrial visitors.
Paul Hellyer and Opposition to the Weaponization of Space
On September 25, 2005, the Honorable Paul Hellyer, a former Canadian Minister for National Defense gave a speech in Toronto addressing the weaponization of space.3 For the 82 year old Hellyer, his speech reaffirmed his long standing opposition to any governmental efforts to deploy weapons in Space. While Defense Minister in the Lester Pearson administration from 1963-67, Hellyer had officially rebuffed initiatives from the Johnson administration to approve an anti-ballistic missile defense system. In a 2003 article he wrote: "It is almost 40 years since U.S. secretary of defense Robert McNamara asked me if Canada would be interested in helping develop an anti-ballistic missile defense for North America. I was able to say, "Thanks, but no thanks," which was the position of the Pearson government and one that I fully endorsed."4
During his 2005 speech, Hellyer also addressed the UFO phenomenon and described his time as Minister for Defense where the occasional UFO sighting report crossed his desk. He claims to never have had time for what he considered to be a "flight of fancy", but nevertheless retained an interest in the UFO phenomenon. While Minister for Defense, he was guest of honor at the opening of the world’s first UFO landing pad at Alberta, Canada in 1967. He thought it an innovative idea from a progressive Canadian community willing to pay for his helicopter ride, but did not give much thought to UFOs as having serious policy implications.
Hellyer’s position on UFOs dramatically changed after watching the late Peter Jennings documentary special, "Seeing is Believing" in February 2005. Hellyer decided to read a book that had been idly sitting on his book shelf for two years. Philip Corso’s, The Day After Roswell, sparked intense interest for Hellyer in terms of its policy implications, and Corso distinguished service in the U.S. Army and the Eisenhower administration. Corso who reached the rank of Lt Colonel, named real people, institutions and events in his book that could be checked. Intrigued by the policy implications, Hellyer decided to confirm whether Corso’s book was real or a "work of fiction". He contacted a retired United States Air Force General and spoke to him directly to verify Corso’s claims. The unnamed General simply said: "every word is true and more". 5 Hellyer then proceeded to discuss the "and more …" with the general and claimed he was told remarkable things concerning UFOs and the extraterrestrial hypothesis that interplanetary visitors have been here since at least 1947. Hellyer then privately asked a number of ‘officials’, some occupying senior positions, about Corso, and again received confirmation that Corso’s claims were accurate.6 Finally convinced that the UFO phenomenon was real Hellyer decided to come forward and publicly speak about some of the "most profoundly important policy questions that must be addressed."
Among the profound policy questions raised by Hellyer was the designation by the U.S. military of visiting extraterrestrials as an ‘enemy’. According to Hellyer, this had led to the development of "laser and particle guns to the point that they can be used against the visitors from space." It is this targeting of visiting extraterrestrials that concerns Hellyer, and he asks "is it wise to spend so much time and money to build weapon systems to rid the skies of alien visitors?" Hellyer poignantly raises the key policy question: "Are they really enemies or merely legitimate explorers from afar?" Hellyer’s question raises profound importance in understanding the relationship between visiting extraterrestrial civilizations and the recent effort to deploy weapons in space. Significantly, Hellyer’s stated position on deploying weapons in Space and opposition to the possible military targeting of extraterrestrials is in stark contrast to the man who initially convinced him of the reality of extraterrestrial visitors: Lt. Col. Philip Corso.
Colonel Philip Corso’s Support for the Strategic Defense Initiative & Weaponization of Space
In his book, The Day After Roswell, co-authored with William Birnes, retired Lt. Col. Philip Corso declared that extraterrestrials were abducting civilians, violating U.S. airspace, and destroying aircraft sent to intercept them. Corso viewed the extraterrestrials as a direct threat to U.S national security and declared: "For over fifty years, now, the war against UFOs has continued as we tried to defend ourselves against their intrusions."7 Elsewhere in the Day After Roswell, Corso describes the national security threat posed by UFOs and the need for a military weaponization program to target and shoot down UFOs conducting such violations. He specifically championed President Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). Corso believed that SDI was the appropriate response to extraterrestrial intrusions, and that the US and USSR both knew what SDI’s true purpose was:
We [US & USSR] both knew who the real targets of SDI were… It was the UFOs, alien spacecraft thinking themselves invulnerable and invisible as they soared around the edges of our atmosphere, swooping down at will to destroy our communications with EMP bursts, buzz our spacecraft, colonize our lunar surface, mutilate cattle in their own horrendous biological experiments, and even abduct human beings for their medical tests and hybridization of the species. And what was worse we had to let them do it because we had no weapons to defend ourselves.8
A number of UFO researchers have claimed that these bellicose statements towards extraterrestrial visitors were introduced by Corso’s co-author William Birnes, and that Corso was not as anti-extraterrestrial as The Day After Roswell suggests. That is not accurate as a reading of Col Corso's original notes make clear. His original notes were published in Italy and contain many similar statements revealing the depth of Corso’s animosity towards visiting extraterrestrials.9 For example, in terms of violating U.S. air space, Corso wrote: "They have violated our air space with impunity and even landed on our territory. Whether intentional or not, they have performed hostile acts. Our citizens have been abducted and killed."10 Corso went on to fully describe the nature of the interaction between extraterrestrial visitors and the general population:
"the aliens have shown a callous indifference concerning their victims. Their behavior has been insidious and it appears they might be using our earth and manipulating earth life. Skeptics will excuse them that possibly they are benevolent and want to help, however, there is no evidence they have healed anyone or alleviated human ailments. On the other hand, they have caused pain, suffering and even death."11
Corso here reveals the depth of his animosity towards extraterrestrials and the information he had received on their intrusive activities. His statements reveal that he had a skeptical view of the ‘benevolence’ of visiting extraterrestrials. Corso endorsed comments such as General Douglas Macarthur’s claim in 1955 that the "nations of the world will have to unite, for the next war will be an interplanetary war." In terms of cooperation between the US and Russia (former USSR) to deal with the extraterrestrials, Corso wrote: "The U.S. and USSR are aligning their space programs against a common enemy."12
Consequently, it can be concluded that there is no ambiguity in Corso’s belief that extraterrestrials are a genuine threat to US. national security and that weaponization of space was an urgent policy priority to deal with the "extraterrestrial enemy". If alive today, Corso would no doubt be a strong supporter of the current U.S Air Force plans to weaponize space, and build a global defense shield that could target extraterrestrial visitors. In short, Corso has consistently demonstrated strong support for military solutions to the presence of visiting extraterrestrials that in his view were performing abductions and other ‘intrusive activities’ that posed a direct threat to U.S. national security.
Do Extraterrestrials Pose a National Security & Global Threat?
The question that can now be raised is whether extraterrestrials do genuinely pose a national security threat to the U.S. or the earth more generally. This question is made very complex by the amount of conflicting data on the extraterrestrial presence from a variety of whistleblower and witness sources whose testimony is more difficult to verify when compared to the case of the highly decorated Corso. Answering such a policy question first requires that one understand the nature of the "national security threat" posed by extraterrestrials. Second, one needs to identify any groups of extraterrestrials that may be performing intrusive actions that fall into the category of 'threat'. Finally, one has to identify extraterrestrials performing non-intrusive activities that do not appear to be a threat to the national security of the U.S. or other countries. There have been many rumors that the U.S. has entered into agreements with extraterrestrial races. For example, there is considerable circumstantial and testimonial evidence pointing to President Eisenhower being actively involved in meeting with and reaching agreements with extraterrestrial races.13 Col Corso, who served in the Eisenhower administration, alludes to such agreements in various passages in the Day After Roswell. For example, he wrote: "We had negotiated a kind of surrender with them
4 Using Space Weapons Against ET Civilizations Michael E.Salla, Ph.D.
[extraterrestrials] as long as we couldn’t fight them. They dictated the terms because they knew what we most feared was disclosure."14
There have been an ever growing number of alleged whistleblowers describing the various agreements reached with extraterrestrials that they saw direct evidence of during their participation in projects or assignments with the highest possible security classifications. These agreements allegedly involved the exchange of technology or information by extraterrestrials in exchange for the right to establish bases on U.S. territory. The existence of such bases is explicitly revealed by Corso in his private notes. After describing the various intrusive activities performed by the extraterrestrials, Corso went on to make the following startling claim: "The above are acts of war which we would not tolerate from any worldly source. It also appears they do not tolerate any such acts on our parts on their bases."15 The implication here is that the extraterrestrials have bases, likely on U.S. territory as alleged by other whistleblowers, and the U.S. government was powerless to fully monitor these bases.
Extraterrestrials that have entered into these agreements or ‘negotiated surrender’ as Corso claims; have performed activities in the form of abductions, genetic experiments and aerial activities that lead to great suspicion as to their ultimate agenda. Corso repeatedly pointed out that such intrusive actions amounted to an act of war and justified a concerted military response by U.S. authorities. It needs to be pointed out that prior to these alleged agreements, most human-extraterrestrial interactions appeared to be of the benevolent ‘space brother’ category that emerged in the 1950’s.16 Individual ‘contactees’ claimed to have been exposed to a variety of positive extraterrestrial experiences that inspired a rapid growth in public interest in the benevolent ‘space brothers’. There is reason to believe that the abduction phenomenon that emerged into the public consciousness with the famous Betty and Barney Hill case in 1961 was a direct result of alleged agreements reached with extraterrestrials. That is not to say that negative experiences with extraterrestrials or ‘abductions’ didn't happen before the agreements, but that the agreements enabled these abductions to increase at a rate which went far beyond whatever government authorities originally approved.
The Secret Government, MJ-12 & Classified Agreements with Extraterrestrials
The government authority that would be responsible for making the alleged covert agreements is generally known by UFO researchers as Majestic-12 or MJ-12 Group. Documentary evidence for the existence of such a secret organization emerged in 1987 with the discovery of a memo from President Eisenhower’s Special Assistant, Robert Cutler, to General Nathan Twining. The memo referred to a schedule meeting for July 16, 1954 and referred to the "MJ-12 Special Studies Project". The memo was found in the national archives and has been shown to be genuine.17 In another document ‘leaked’ to UFO researchers and known as the Eisenhower Briefing Document, Majestic-12 is described as having operational control of the UFO phenomenon:
Operation Majestic-12 is a Top Secret Research and Development/Intelligence operation responsible directly and only to the President of the United States. Operations of the project are carried out under control of the Majestic-12 (Majic-12) Group which was established by special classified executive order of President Truman on 24 September, 1947.18
The Briefing Document remains controversial, but exhaustive archival analysis by researchers strongly point to its authenticity.19
The Briefing Document listed 12 prominent military officials and national security experts as its members among whom included Gordon Gray who occupied a number of senior defense positions including Secretary to the Army for President Truman from 1949-1950. He was later President Eisenhower’s Special Assistant for National Security (1958-61). Significantly, Gray was appointed by President Truman to be the first director of the Psychological Strategy Board (PSB) established in 1951 and declared to be part of the CIA. In 1953, the PSB was replaced by the more powerful Operations Coordinating Board (OCB). It’s worth going into detail of the history and activities of both these organizations since they are related to management of the UFO phenomenon. Furthermore, each organization involved Col Corso, a military intelligence specialist, in various covert operations while serving in the Eisenhower administration. It is likely that service on these Boards gave Corso the background information that formed his developed views on extraterrestrials and support for the weaponization of Space.
The Psychological Strategy Board (PSB) was created "under the NSC to coordinate government-wide psychological warfare strategy". 20 The PSB was formally succeeded by the more powerful Operations Coordinating Board established by Executive Order 10483 on September 2, 1953 with the following charter:
...the Operations Coordinating Board shall (1) Whenever the President shall hereafter so direct, advise the agencies concerned as to... the execution of each security action or project so that it shall make its full contribution to the attainment of national security objective views and to the particular climate of opinion the United States is seeking to achieve in the world...
Initially, the OCB was based at the State Department and while formally authorized to report to the National Security Council (NSC) and implement NSC decisions, it was formally independent from the NSC. On February 25, 1957, Executive Order 10700 formally incorporated the OCB into the NSC, which meant the NSC had greater oversight and control of the OCB. The OCB was officially ‘abolished’ by President Kennedy with Executive Order 10920 on February 18, 1961 that revoked Executive Order 10700.
Both the Psychological Strategy Board (PSB) and the Operations Coordinating Board (OCB) were interagency committees that were responsible for covert operations in the Truman and Eisenhower administrations, and reported directly to the National Security Council. Both the PSB and OCB specialized in psychological warfare through the use of propaganda, mass media, and disinformation. These would prove to be the very tools used to deny or ridicule the UFO phenomenon in the U.S. and suggests that both the PSB and OCB played a key role in this. There has been speculation that the OCB played a critical role in managing the UFO phenomenon, and secretly continues to play this role though with another name.21 Corso’s original notes provide evidence supporting this UFO management role played by both the PSB and the OCB. According to his military records, Col Corso was assigned to both the Psychological Strategy Board and Operations Coordinating Board when serving with the Eisenhower administration from 1953-1956. Corso received numerous security clearances some of which gave him access to UFO information. In his original notes, Corso writes:
During my military career at one time or another, I counted nine clearances above "Top Secret" granted to me. These included cryptographic, satellite, code and intercept, special operational clearances and the "Eyes Only" category of special White House (NSC) matters. They made available to me all matter within the government which included "UFO" information.22
Consequently, Corso’s service on both the PSB and OCB, and his access to UFO related information is evidence that both these bodies played critical roles in managing the UFO phenomenon through covert psychological operations. Furthermore, the OCB was not abolished by Kennedy in 1961 as generally thought since the revoking of Executive Order 10700 effectively made the OCB independent of the NSC rather than abolishing it. Executive Order 10920 only removed the OCB out of control and scrutiny of the Kennedy administration. This made the OCB once again an independent interagency governmental organization with significant power through the covert psychological programs it managed, and an important implementing mechanism for the even more mysterious Majestic-12.
Due to its clandestine nature and unaccountable status, Majestic-12 and covert organizations such as the Operations Coordinating Board that manage UFO affairs are referred to as the ‘secret government’. President Clinton when asked by famed Washington Post correspondent Sarah McClendon why he didn’t do more to have the truth about UFOs disclosed, he allegedly confided: "Sarah, there’s a secret government within the government, and I don’t control it."23 The ‘secret government’ is the government within the government that controls and makes policy decisions over how to deal with extraterrestrials; whether they constitute a ‘threat’ or not; and develops agreements with some extraterrestrial civilizations.
The ‘Internal’ versus ‘External’ Security Threat by Visiting Extraterrestrials
There is intense debate over whether extraterrestrials involved in abductions and other intrusive activities described by Corso (commonly described as ‘Grays’ from Zeta Reticulum) have a covert 'take-over' agenda. Researchers such as Dr David Jacobs (author of The Threat) believe the ‘Grays’ have a covert plan to take-over human society by engineering a superior hybrid race. On the other hand, researchers such as Dr John Mack (author of Passport to the Cosmos) believes the star visitors have a 'transformative' agenda designed to blend together the best characteristics of extraterrestrials and humanity. While this is an important debate, it glosses over one of the key features of the extraterrestrial presence - classified agreements between extraterrestrials and the ‘secret government’. In considering the 'transformative' vs. 'take-over' debate, it is vital to consider all the data and come up with a nuanced response that takes into account different extraterrestrial races performing activities. Visiting extraterrestrials need to be distinguished on the basis of them either being inside or outside the secret network of agreements reached with the ‘secret government’.24 The key policy issue is not whether we should establish communication with extraterrestrials to resolve differences that lead to confrontations over the number of abductions or other intrusive activities reported by Corso and others. The key issue is the precise nature of the agreements reached with extraterrestrials, and how these are conducted in a covert and unaccountable manner. As far as the abduction phenomenon is concerned, it is very likely that these were made possible by, or accelerated as a result of, covert agreements by secret government authorities with one or more extraterrestrial civilizations. Consequently, the national security threat posed by extraterrestrials is a covert one that exists through the classified agreements established by the secret government with some extraterrestrial races. The motivation of extraterrestrials that have entered into these agreements is very questionable and gives considerable cause for suspicion as to their overall intent. Certainly the great number of abductions that have occurred give rise to the 'take over' scenario promoted by Dr Jacobs and other researchers. Once one considers the vast secret infrastructure created to develop extraterrestrial technologies and the illicit funding required for such an infrastructure, it becomes clear that the national security threat posed by extraterrestrials is INTERNAL rather than EXTERNAL.25 Corso’s depiction of extraterrestrials as an external military threat to the U.S. is therefore not accurate.
Extraterrestrials that have entered into agreements with secret government authorities are complicit in the creation of national security system based on secrecy, unaccountability and illicit funding. This directly threatens US. national security both in terms of a covert take-over by extraterrestrials, and an erosion of the constitutional principles upon which the U.S. is based. The real national security threat posed by some extraterrestrial visitors is a result of the desire of the ‘secret government’ to acquire and develop extraterrestrial technologies at any cost, even if it means giving permission to a limited number of abductions and other intrusive actions. On the other hand, extraterrestrials who have not entered into such technology exchange agreements with secret government authorities have behaved in ways that display great respect towards individuals they have contacted. This is evidenced in the extensive number of ‘contactee’ or ‘space brother’ reports from the 1950’s, right up to the modern era. These extraterrestrials that typically look human in appearance reflect great respect for human free will and follow what appears to be a clear directive for non-interference in human affairs. Extraterrestrials that are trying to assist humanity, as described by these alleged contactees, are secretly being targeted by space weapons in order to capture their technology or the EBEs themselves. This also includes Grays from Zeta Reticulum who are involved in abductions that have reached agreements with the secret government. It does appear that the relationship between the Grays and the ‘secret government’ is a complex one where some whistleblowers report on military confrontations between them in terms of the extent to which either or both have violated the terms of their secret agreements.26
Conclusion: The Use of Space Weapons is an Inappropriate Policy for Extraterrestrial Visitors
In terms of the deploying space weapons, the deliberate targeting of extraterrestrial visitors needs to be exposed. This requires briefing legislative officials in the U.S. and elsewhere so that a more appropriate policy response can be developed. There is a need to put a halt to the current U.S. policy of targeting extraterrestrial vehicles through the deployment of space based and other advanced weapons systems. As Hellyer pointed out in his September 2005 speech: "Are they really enemies or merely legitimate explorers from afar?" What makes this policy issue complex from the perspective of whistleblowers such as Corso, who is representative of many military officials briefed about the extraterrestrial presence, is that they believe that the weaponization of space is appropriate. This policy is justified, in Corso’s and other military officials’ views, on the basis of the intrusive activities of extraterrestrials.
The abduction phenomenon and related intrusive activities needs to be understood in terms of the highly classified agreements reached between the ‘secret government’ and extraterrestrials. It should be pointed out that military officials such as Corso did not appear to be briefed about friendly extraterrestrials and the latter's non-intrusive activities. Instead, Corso was given information on abduction related activities and other extraterrestrial intrusions that lead to the psychological framework for the creation of 'enemy images'. This process is described by Sam Keen in Faces of the Enemy which clearly outlines how the creation of enemy images has been a vital aspect for fighting successful wars.27 In short, what has emerged over the last 50 years or so is the creation of an ‘extraterrestrial enemy’ that justifies the development and deployment of space weapons according to Corso and other military officials. This takes us to the warnings of Dr Carol Rosin, a former spokeswoman to Dr Werner Von Braun, about a contrived extraterrestrial threat being the basis of a public disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence.28 Such a contrived threat would direct public perceptions towards perceptions of extraterrestrials as unfriendly and a security threat. A more nuanced assessment based on the ‘internal’ versus ‘external threat’ posed by extraterrestrials is needed. Consequently, in response to the profound policy question raised by Hellyer of whether weaponization of space is an appropriate policy response to the extraterrestrial visitors, the answer is NO. There is no need for a military response to the extraterrestrial visitors. It is clear that extraterrestrials who pose a credible 'national security threat' do so by virtue of their involvement in a series of secret agreements that make possible a covert take over of the vast infrastructure of extraterrestrial related projects that exist in the U.S., and other countries. This covert extraterrestrial threat requires a POLITICAL solution rather than a MILITARY solution –public disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence.
With public disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence, there can be the necessary transparency and accountability to ensure that any technology exchange agreements with extraterrestrials are conducted in a responsible way, and do not make human society prone to a covert ‘take-over’ by extraterrestrials. It is very likely that the abduction phenomenon would cease to be a problem once transparency and accountability were brought into play. Extraterrestrial visitors performing such activities could be closely monitored and persuaded from continuing any activities that violated individual human rights. ‘Persuasive mechanisms’ would come in a variety of ways: rigorous public debate over extraterrestrial activities; educating extraterrestrials about human rights standards; and the anticipated support of many extraterrestrial civilizations in monitoring and countering violations by other extraterrestrials.
The Honorable Paul Hellyer called for an urgent public debate over the appropriateness of current military policies directed towards extraterrestrial visitors. The current policy advocated by Col Corso of weaponizing space and targeting extraterrestrial vehicles, is supported by many former and current military officials ‘in the loop’ about the extraterrestrial visitors. The development and use of space based weapons against extraterrestrial visitors will be shown to be a poor policy choice once the true history of ‘secret government’ and extraterrestrial agreements are revealed. As a former Minister of Defense, Paul Hellyer is very familiar with the importance of policy questions concerning the use of military weapons in resolving international political problems. He is to be congratulated on bringing to the public’s attention the "profoundly important policy questions that must be addressed" with regard to the weaponization of space and the alleged targeting of extraterrestrial visitors.
Michael E. Salla, PhD
Note: Paul Hellyer is scheduled to speak at an international conference in Hawaii where issues raised in this paper will be discussed. For details, see
1 "Speech by President George W. Bush," National Defense University, Washington, May 1, 2001. Transcript available at:
2 Cited in "National Security Presidential Directive/NSPD-23," available online at:
3 See "Exopolitics Toronto: A Symposium on UFO Disclosure and Planetary Direction," .
4 Paul Hellyer, "Missile Defense: It Was Wrong Then and It's Wrong Now," Globe and Mail, May 15, 2003. Available online at:
5 For more details on Hellyer’s speech and to view it online, go to:
6 Hellyer disclosed the existence of these officials in a private conversation with the author in November 8, 2005, but chose not to reveal further details of them due to their need for anonymity.
7 Philip Corso, The Day After Roswell (Simon & Schuster, 1997) 290.
8 Corso, The Day After Roswell, 292.
9 Philip Corso, L’Alba Di Una Nuova Era [Dawn of a New Age] tr. Maurizio Baiata (Pendragon, 2003). I thank Maurizio Baiata for permission to quote extracts based on his translation of Corso’s original notes.
10 Dawn of a New Age, 77.
11 Dawn of a New Age, p. 98.
12 Dawn of a New Age, 78.
13 For discussion of testimonial and circumstantial evidence of such a meeting, see:
14 The Day After Roswell, 292.
15 Dawn of a New Age, p. 77
16 See William Hamilton, "California Contactees," available on line at:
17 See Stanton Friedman, Top Secret/Majic (2005): 86-102
18 Majestic Documents, 128. See also
19 See Friedman, Top Secret/Majic, 56-85.
20 Cited in Foreign Relations of the United States, 1964-1968, vol. XII, Western Europe, pp. XXXI-XXXV, April 16, 2001. Available online at:
21 See "A Nation Deceived,"
22 Corso, Dawn of a New Age, 31.
23 See
24 See:
25 See Michael Salla, "The Black Budget Report," Scoop Magazine, January, 2004, available online at:
26 See the Michael Salla, "The Dulce Report," available online at:
27 See Keen, Faces of the Enemy: Reflections of the Hostile Imagination (Harper Collins, 1991).
28 See Carol Rosin interview, available online at:
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